Most of the better known Presidential candidates are chastising survey-leader Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos., Jr. for his supposed “cowardice” for not taking a definite stand on the Russia-Ukraine war.
Seems all of them are war freaks wanting to compromise the Philippine situation on a war which should not have been waged at all at this time of a clearly civilized world.
Our personal stand on the issue is that taking a position on matters with grave implications should worse come to worst is that it is much better that every aspect of whatever stand to be adopted must be studied very, very carefully
Let us be reminded that it is always better to be prepared for whatever consequences of our actions than be sorry when the time of reckoning comes.
As they say, one of the best teachers is history. And if we have to know the reasons why and how the Second World War ignited and how much suffering it had caused the entire world, then we must go back to the history of the global conflict, read and digest it to the fullest.
That being done then may be none of us, not even the so-called brave and courageous Presidential candidates of ours, would be competing in showing among themselves who is the bravest of all.
Well, it’s nice to know that finally our Davao City is now declared already on Alert Level 1 category on the safety status against the CoViD 19 pandemic. It’s been over two years that we are isolating ourselves in the sanctum of our rural residence some 31 kilometers away from the city’s downtown. And while we did not totally deprive ourselves of any opportunity to go down to the city’s urban center, we do the visits only once a week. No, not because we were so paranoid of getting infected by the deadly virus but rather it was all because there are not much to be done in the city proper. In fact, every time we contact friends hoping that we could have some meet-and-greet interactions, the usual response is, “Can we do it some other times.”
Moreover, during the first and the second year of the pandemic, hardly were there any open known media people’s joints where practicing journalists in the city freely exchange ideas while sipping coffee or even over bottles of beer.
So, we ended up riding with the tide and religiously complying with the various health protocols issued by the government to deter the infection of the virus. We were so engrossed with our isolation and compliance of restrictions that at certain times during the two years or so of the pandemic, we even lost track of the days and dates that passed. Thanks to the various media establishments, including the electronic platforms, these are the ones updating us of what is happening in our own city, country and the rest of the world.
Now we can clearly heave a sigh of relief with the slow journey back to normalization. Other than depending on news reports for subjects of our columns, with Alert Level 1 status of Davao City we can already get out of our “cave” and breathe the air of freedom from self- containment.
Of course we are not anymore certain if we will still meet all of our media colleagues who we used to interact with before the pandemic. We heard reports that some of them had become casualties of the virus. Others may not have the bad luck of getting infected but many could have a change in personality due to the two years of limited movements.
We are looking forward to having debates among aspirants for Mayor of Davao City like those that are being conducted among the country’s Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates.
May be with debates for the local candidates for mayor or councilors, those aspirants who are new and are less known to the voters will have the opportunity to introduce themselves to the public and present their platforms of government. This way the voters can have a well-informed choice.
Frankly, we have no iota of an idea who the two other mayoralty candidates of Davao City are other than Ruy Elias Lopez and Basti Duterte.
For comments and/or reactions our readers can reached us through our e-mail address: victorino.sumalinog@yahoo.com; Mobile No. 09392980435; or Landline at 2372169.