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ROUGH CUTS | Our initial choices for senators

WE have just gone through the commemoration of the Holy Week or the season of Lent. It was the week when we were able to take a break from our daily grind of working for a living – at least temporarily. And this break gave us time to search our heart and mind to find out what have we done right and what have we done wrong in the last 365 days of our life.

     We found out that our own decision to “incarcerate” us in the confines of our rural residence together with the family for the last two years and some three months of the pandemic actually placed us in a much safer situation health-wise. But we also realized that we became vulnerable to the deterioration of our physical and mental capabilities as a consequence of our much reduced interactions with our fellowmen. That is, we became too dependent of what we hear and see on the media, mainstream or the alternative, of what is happening in our country. Hence we cannot help but become sometime unwilling messenger of fake news and misinformation, especially in this election season.

     Easily, we could have filtered information or issues that come our way if we have all the freedom – and even time – to be on the ground where we can freely mingle or associate with other people and/or be aware of any issue from sources that are legitimate and do not have any tint of personal or group agenda. 

     Of course we acknowledge that based on the figures given by the Department of Health as to the extent of new infections by the dreaded virus that put the world in a standstill for the last two years we can now safely say that the pandemic is slowly waning. This current situation especially in Davao City which is now placed in Alert Level 2, could have prodded us to go back to our normal routine prior to the pandemic, but caution tells us that “it is better safe than be sorry.” 

     And with the high cost of fuel and food we deem it more prudent to limit our trips to the city’s downtown and our dealings with newsmakers and opinion molders who normally give the opportunity inside coffee shops and dining establishments.

     Of course we are looking forward to the further normalization of things not just in the entire country but in our very own Davao City. By then we would be having no qualms in getting back to our normal routine especially during the remaining two weeks of the election season.


     Yesterday Presidential candidates Panfilo Lacson, Mayor Isko Moreno, Sen. Manny Pacquiao, former Defense Secretary Norberto Gonzalez and former Presidential Spokesman Ernesto Abella was reported to have called for a joint press conference. As to what was or were discussed during the meeting with media men, we have no idea yet as of the writing of this column. By the time that this newspaper hit the streets all that transpired in that joint press conference may already be the common topic of conversation by every Filipino. 

      So our readers will note that we are not making any speculation as to the outcome and agreements made in that joint audience with the press by at least 5 of the nine aspirants for President.

     We are however hoping that whatever it is that the five had announced to the media yesterday is intended to help the voters make a much the wisest choice as it could also be the best option by the concerned candidates.


     This early we believe it is worth sharing with the public our preference to be in the winning circle among candidates for Senators of the republic. Unfortunately, some of them are not found in the list of potential winners in the senatorial derby based on the result of surveys conducted by polling establishments or organizations like the SWS, Pulse Asia and OCTA Research.

     Our personal preference among the 60 senatorial aspirants are Gibo Teodoro, Harry Roque, Sal Panelo, Mark Villar, Sherwin Gatchalian, Migs Zubiri, Loren Legarda, Chiz Escudero, Rodante Marcoleta, Robin Padilla, Joel Villanueva, and  Gen. Guillermo Eleazar.

     No, we are not trying to influence our readers to join us or conform to our choice. We are just manifesting our belief that they could be productive legislators and have only the interest of the country and the people in mind.

     For comments and/or reactions we can be reached through E-mail address:; Mobile No. 09392980435; and Landline at 2372169.



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