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PUJ driver cited for traffic violation after freak truck incident killing driver and aide

A PUBLIC Utility Jeepney (PUJ) driver who dropped off a pedestrian on a crosswalk before the fatal incident that killed a truck driver and aide surrendered to the Buhangin Police Station on Wednesday afternoon, June 26.

The pedestrian who alighted from the same PUJ crossed the crosswalk with the light still green, which forced the truck driver to step on the brakes suddenly. The loaded metal sheet shifted forward and pinned them against the dashboard.

The incident occurred near the cargo entrance of Francisco Bangoy International Airport along Carlos P. Garcia Highway at 2:55 p.m. on Tuesday, June 25.

In an interview on Thursday, Major Antonio Luy, the Buhangin Police Station commander, confirmed that the driver turned himself in on Wednesday. 

“We cannot include the driver for criminal liability because it’s a bit far off. What we did was issue a citation for violation of Republic Act 4136 (Traffic rules). We did not include him in the criminal aspect. The one we will file a criminal case against is the pedestrian who crossed,” Luy said.

He said the driver would be ticketed for obstruction for failing to follow the designated loading and unloading area.

“That was also one cause that made the pedestrian cross because when she got off and looked at the road, it was already a pedestrian lane, so she crossed immediately. But if he had dropped her off at the proper unloading area, the pedestrian would have had enough time to think whether to cross or not,” he further said 

Luy clarified that the PUJ driver only violated traffic rules, and the approximate cause of the two deaths was the pedestrian crossing. “The woman is the approximate cause, that’s why the driver made a full stop.”

When asked about the driver’s explanation, Luy said the pedestrian hailed the jeepney, and the driver admitted to not dropping her off in the designated area. “That is the only violation of the driver,” he added.

The pedestrian is currently in police custody after the incident. She underwent an inquest and will be brought to court on Thursday for a bail bond of P60,000. The case filed on Wednesday is for reckless imprudence resulting in multiple homicides.

Regarding the truck company’s responsibility, Major Luy stated that they have civil liability to the victims and will pay for the deaths.

“The one who will file that is the company from where the cargo was taken,” he said. “So that is a civil liability. The company of the truck driver and helper has the prerogative in filing a case,” he further explained.

The Buhangin police station commander reminded the motorists to follow traffic rules in dropping off passengers and that Pedestrians should only cross the street when the traffic signal turns red.



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