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PRO XI: ‘Higher-ups’ decided on DCPO chief’s appointment

POLICE Regional Office (PRO XI) director Police Brigadier General Nicolas D. Torre III disclosed that he was not privy to the decision-making process of the PNP headquarters in appointing the Davao City Police Office chief.

PRO XI designated PCol. Hansel Marantan as the new acting city police director effective July 10, the third leadership change in 24 hours.

Vice Mayor J. Melchor Quitain Jr., questioned Torre on why Marantan’s appointment came from the PNP Chief when the shortlist presented to the mayor was already pre-screened by Napolcom in which the PNP Chief was an ex-officio member.

Torre’s response revolved around the power of the PNP Chief to exercise R.A. 6975,  Section 26.

“In a hierarchy like PNP, sometimes there are decisions that come from the higher-ups that really need to be complied with, without any other questions from our end,” Torre said.

Quitain questioned whether there was a move to rebuke the mayor’s authority to be automatically deputized to select the city police chief, as the order came from the national headquarters.

Torre in response said that while the deputization of the mayor was not removed, “maybe”  it was in that decision due to a disagreement of choice between the mayor and the PNP Chief.

Last July 16, Acosta in a resolution demanded the PRO XI to shed light on the rigodon of DCPO Chief appointment. 

During the regular session on July 23, Torre said the PNP chief exercised his powers as stated in Section 26 of the Republic Act 6975.

“The PNP Chief shall have the power to direct and control tactical as well as strategic movements, deployment, placement, utilization of the PNP,” Section 26 reads.

Torre clarified the PNP Chief ordered him to replace Butil and put Marantan instead to fill the role, with no explanation.

He added Marantan’s appointment is only an acting capacity, a temporary designation pending compliance with other requirements including the affirmation of the city mayor.

When asked by Councilor Luna Acosta what happens if the mayor does not affirm Marantan’s designation, Torre said the position is subject to another designation of another personality acceptable to the mayor.

In such a case, Torre said the office would have to make another list and submit it to the mayor for review.

Torre said another change is “definite” as they will not insist on what is unacceptable to the local government.

Councilor Jesus Joseph Zozobrado manifested Marantan should also have to go through a certain process, including his credentials being checked by Napolcom, and passed through a deliberation before being presented by PRO XI to the mayor.

Torre earlier affirmed Marantan was not included in the shortlist he presented to the Mayor, while PCol. Lito Patay was actually the mayor’s pick.

Zozobrado, however, said he does not question Marantan’s capability but he reaffirmed coordination of the city council to work harmoniously with PRO XI.

At present, PRO XI is still waiting for the mayor’s response to their letter informing him of Marantan’s appointment where a courtesy call with the mayor is to be planned afterwards.


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