The Davao Police Regional Office supports the Philippine National Police’s policy to get its personnel in shape.
Brig. Gen. Filmore Escobal, the PRO XI regional director, reiterated the importance of ideal body mass index for the men and women in the force.
The statement was in support of PNP Acting Chief Archie Gamboa’s announcement that he would sign a directive to sanction police officers who are unable to meet the 18.5 to 24.9 BMI requirement.
For instance, they might lose the opportunity to be accepted for further schooling or be promoted.
Escobal has been promoting activities that promote health and wellness for the past months.
The regional director sponsored a basketball tournament, badminton challenge, SWAT competition, and Paskuhan Fun Run. In those activities, he repeatedly emphasized the importance of keeping the body healthy and fit.
Escobal then committed to supporting the PNP director general’s plan to trim the fat in the force.