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 P2.21-B budget gets nod

… but councilor Al-ag cries: P354-M for training ‘excessive’

The 20th City Council approved the P2.21-billion Supplemental Budget (SB) 1 for the city government on Tuesday, in its third and final reading.

However, Councilor Bernard Al-ag questioned the P354 million allocated for capacity building under the City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO). Al-ag said the amount is “excessive,” as it is intended for activity expenses such as venue and food for seminars, according to a representative from the department.

“I asked myself, is this right? To spend P354 million for food and venue, when a lot of people in Davao City need attention for their medical assistance and employment problems?” he added.

The councilor clarified that he was not questioning the proceeds but wanted the budget justified.

“I cannot, in good conscience, be part of this project where we put P354 million for capability building. There are many other things we can use this money for that need attention,” he said, stressing his objection to SB 1.

The council was divided, with 15 councilors voting “Yes,” one objection from Al-ag, and one abstention from Councilor Nilo Abellera.

Councilors Wilberto Al-ag, Jonard Dayap, and Edgar Ibuyan Jr. manifested their co-sponsorship.

Councilor Joseph Zozobrado, who also voted “Yes,” said the item had already gained a “vote of unanimity” during the August 7 special session, saying the motion of Bernard Al-ag “could have been better discussed” during the deliberation.

In SB 1, the Capability Building on Sectoral Issuances and Existing Programs and Services has the largest allocation under CSWDO, with a total of P354,396,000.

Meanwhile, under the General Fund for Social Welfare Services, the Person With Disabilities Support Program has only P257,000.

Additionally, Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation has an appropriation of P23,920,000; the Social Welfare Support Services Program, P16,154,000.

The General Administration has a fund of P5,874,000; OFW Families’ Welfare and Crisis, P2,372,000; and the Davao City Youth Development Division -Local Youth Development Office was funded with P3,340,000.

SB 1 totaled P2,215,702,297.50, comprising the budget under the general fund proper (P951,881,151.77), the development fund (P1,236,373,079.57), and economic enterprises (P27,448,086.16).

The fund will come from the surplus from CY 2023 operations and, reversion of appropriations totaling P2,301,531,439.13.

This leaves an unappropriated balance amounting to P85,829,141.63 from the Economic Enterprises is broken down as follows: Operation of Markets (P 72,217,542.96); Cemeteries (P11,835,663.84); Operation of Davao City Recreation Center (P1,565,373.27); and P210,561.56 for Operation of Sta. Ana Port.



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