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Maxim driver-partners in the Philippines get fuel allowance

IN THE face of rising fuel prices and to thank its partners for their performance, the company decided to offer them a fuel allowance. After receiving a fuel voucher, the driver-partner can use it to buy P500 worth of fuel at local fueling stations. The program is available in all 18 cities in the Philippines where the company offers its services.

The allowance is given to those driver-partners who completed the largest number of orders via the Taxsee Driver app during the previous month. The number of available vouchers depends on the city. Maxim also supports top-performing driver-partners and their families by providing them with food baskets.

“We support our partners not only by decreasing the commission fees they pay to us for access to orders but also by offering them allowances that can make their lives easier. The constant rise in prices for fuel, food, and basic necessities is a serious problem for the Philippine working class, which many of our driver-partners and delivery riders are part of. In this case, the company is ready to support its partners,” says the head of Maxim in Cebu.

Background information

Maxim launched in the Philippines in 2020, with Cebu being its first city of operation. Now its services are available to residents and guests of 18 more Philippine cities. Maxim is a licensed transport network company, and in addition to providing delivery services, it is authorized to pre-arrange transportation of passengers by car. In Metro Manila, the company has been included in a pilot project to transport passengers on motorcycles.

The company develops innovative technology for ordering transport and other services, making it more modern, accessible, and safe. The service has created a system that makes it possible to connect an unlimited number of clients and drivers and process millions of orders. The Maxim app for ordering services and the Taxsee Driver app for fulfilling orders are among the world’s top apps with millions of users.

The goal of the company is to constantly improve its user interaction and help people move towards their goals!


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