FOR REAL practitioners of the Marxist theory, there is no such thing as an accident. Everything is a series of turns that leads to an eventful outcome. Layers upon layers of silt eventually make up a landscape while a pile of rocks can make a mountain. If one looked at any process in reverse, each individual sequence from the final result traced down to its beginnings, including those that may seem unrelated at first, have roles to play in the end-result that comes into fruition. Another hypothesis, the Chaos theory, is a close cousin. It believes that amidst any erratic or turbulent action, therein lies a pattern and a sense of order.
A month after the start of the campaign period, I caught wind of a rumor that some groups might be campaigning for cross-over candidates, meaning they were not going to honor any official political party lineup but instead choosing only those they were supporting and subsequently presenting them to the voters in their campaign. A strategy that was clearly in the making, which I felt would not prosper. Nevertheless, that was the last I heard of it and completely forgot about the said social media rumor. Then, midway into the election campaign period, I saw on YouTube that the left had joined forces with the dominant opposition against its political adversary. This development again had only proven that as before, politics indeed makes strange bedfellows.
Then, the actual elections. Then the landslide defeat. Then the accusations of cheating and finally, the beginnings of protest. It does not take much of any tinge of critical thinking on the part of anyone to see through the obvious play-by-numbers plan of action by both and left and right factions of the losing parties during the just-concluded national elections. While some may have offered a giddy shell-shocked reaction to the thrashing their candidates got at the polls, the automatic hurling of accusations, instantaneous in their delivery, had obviously become the theme of the day, all without even the burden of any proof.
This tactic of accuse-now-prove-later from rusty attaché cases of legal tacticians come in handy always, proven in the past to bring a sense of disorder in any proceeding. For many years, this ploy had been used to serve many purposes, from instigating formal inquiries by those in power, to the justification of rallies and protests short of destabilization and polarization. They are using it again.
Do not be fooled, this onset of protest rallies, student walkouts from their classes could all be part of a planned effort to create chaos at creating a climate of turmoil, the masses be damned. Doesn’t the thirty-one million have a say in all this? One only has to look at all the past accusations hurled at every government effort during the last administration to prove that those in the opposition have only their interests at heart and not the people’s. Prove me wrong.