I suspect that there must be a reason for this, but it really seems certain that with the way information is brought out to us these days, there seems to be a serious intent that we be made desensitized to all that is happening in the world. This is if you judge by our au naturale indifference or lack of empathy for what other people endure. However, this is a topic for another time.
Truth be told, I have nothing but the utmost respect for those who love their pets unconditionally. I only have to look at members of my big family and close friends here and abroad.
Actually, it is those who pretend to be pet lovers who really get to me. Now I can even relate with those who try so hard, but still have a lot to learn when it comes to caring for animals. I know that they have to do that because their friends or baes are into pets.
The important thing is, at least, they are trying so hard and I feel sure that they will be successful later on. Then, there are those whom I strongly suspect look at pets because they need a security guard around the house. These are not, by a long shot, real pet friends, in fact, they can even be cruel to them at times.
Take the example of these people who live right next to us. Through the years, it has become quite common for them to let puppies play in the house. While they’re cute and cuddly, that is. That may be a good thing in itself though, as it’s really a way to teach their little tyke to grow up comfortably with pets.
However, once their pups begin to grow and eventually lose their cuteness, they are slowly relegated outside the house at first, then eventually out of the gate to fight it out with other dogs in the street for food later. In a way, this is like their own version of releasing them into the wild. I am sure that this alone is enough to rile up my animal-doting friends out there who are mom and dad to their pets. But, wait there’s more!
One day, I made it a point to talk to them by saying we have a problem. At present, they have two dogs of the breed and a mongrel bitch with pups. While the pure breeds stay inside the house, the mongrel mom, along with her pups stay outside. Occasionally at night, it’s either the cries of the pups or the incessant barking of the mom that fill up the quiet of the neighborhood sleeping time.
Worst, the mom, because of her natural tendency to protect her young, venture out, and growl aggressively each day passersby who happen to walk near their gate. I told my neighbors that there might come a time when she might bite somebody or worse a child. (Next day, I heard the wifey belting the mongrel as she was chained to the gate.)
So far, there still has to be a significant change in the whole situation here, but sadly, I do not see it yet. One thing is certain, in my next conversation with them, I am going to suggest they get an aquarium instead. Unless they have that already.