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FAMILY LIFE | A Family’s Experience with COVID




MARCH 7, 2021, was a happy Sunday for all of us. We worshipped together, took a rest in the afternoon and went out to relax and spent quality time as a family.

That evening, my husband started to have fever with chills, and his throat became sore. He decided to self-isolate in our room. Two days after, I experienced the same symptoms.

Our doctor advised us to have our swab test. Both of us tested positive for Covid. A week after, my 3 kids, my friend, and my 82-year-old mom tested positive as well, it was a nightmare for me.

The Lord gave me the courage to inform them. My second daughter, Ieca told me “Let’s think positively, positive naman tayong lahat”; that statement lightened my burden, and we accepted our situation in a positive way.

I had dry cough, body aches, fever, and even loss of taste and smell. Our doctor advised us to strengthen our self-immune defense. I increased the dosage of my daily multivitamins with zinc, double the dosage of vitamin C, and a medicine tablet that helped stimulate our immune system to fight against the virus.

I performed “suob” twice a day, used an incentive spirometer that helped my lungs breathe more deeply and fully, and monitored my pulse and oxygen level using an oximeter.

I tried to be strong spiritually, emotionally, and mentally to support my husband who struggled with coughing, had difficulty sleeping, and experienced shortness of breath. Fears, worries, and distress made my 82-year-old mom change her attitude and focus in life. She had no respiratory issues but the virus attacked her digestive system.

There were times that I could not sleep well thinking of what would happen the next day. Coronavirus cannot be seen with our naked eyes but it attacks us physically, mentally, and emotionally. Here are the things I learned during our home-quarantined journey.

Surrender everything to GOD. Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.” When we got the swab results, we gathered together as a family via zoom, laid down our plans regarding the room assignments, in charge of the household, and submitted everything to God. We faced our journey one day at a time.

Pause for a moment. Matthew 6:33 “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Spending time with God alone and listening to Bible-based preaching strengthens my spiritual walk with Him every day.

Relax to calm your mind. Matthew 6:27 “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Relaxing can make you feel peaceful and calm. We limit watching news on TV that would lead us into depression. Tuning in to praise and worship songs on YouTube helped me a lot to stay positive in our situation.

Encourage one another. Psalm 3:4-5 “I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain. I lie down and sleep; I wake again because the Lord sustains me.” We used God’s promises to enlighten and uplift the heart, mind, and spirit of family members affected by the virus.

Avoid negativity in life. 1 Peter 5:7 “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” Worries and fears affected our ability to eat, sleep, concentrate and even focus in life. We kept in mind that we have a gracious and merciful GOD who hears and answers our prayers and petitions.

Declare the goodness of God. Psalm 34:8 “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him!” Looking back at how God worked in our lives made us realize how God blessed us with support groups that helped us from buying our medicines online, doing marketing, and even brought cooked food for us. I can say that GOD is good all the time. He alone deserves all the praises and honor – Carmi Avante.


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