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EastMinCom boosts border security

The Eastern Mindanao Command (EastMinCom) and its army, navy, and air force units are prioritizing the strengthening of border security as part of their “inclusive territorial defense” operations.

Lt. Gen. Rex Luis Bergante, commander of EastMinCom, stated, “In terms of external defense, the air force and navy are conducting maritime patrols along our Eastern Border. We primarily coordinate with Indonesia, as they are closest to us, but we also monitor other vessels and aircraft passing through the Southeastern border and the entire eastern border.”

Upon assuming his position, Bergante also mentioned that they have been mapping and identifying strategic points within their areas of operation for positioning their various battalions.

“This approach is similar to what was done in Afghanistan. While first-world countries like Russia and the US were able to hold their ground in Afghanistan because they knew their territory,” he said.

Inclusive External Defense

“The defense of our country should rely on all its citizens,” Bergante explained. “The Armed Forces’ program aims to strengthen the reservist force, as Commodore Alfonspin Tumanda Jr., commander of Naval Forces Eastern Mindanao, mentioned earlier.”

“Reservists can contribute to our regular forces in case of war,” Bergante added.

Regarding territorial defense, NFEM Commander Commodore Alfonspin Tumanda Jr. stated that the Philippine Navy is focused on continuous personnel training through joint exercises with Southeast Asian nations.

In addition, NFEM is enhancing its equipment to further improve its capabilities. “As I mentioned regarding external territorial defense, we need 24/7 awareness of our areas. The air force and navy collaborate to ensure constant coverage of our maritime environment, especially our 200-nautical-mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and our borders with Indonesia, particularly those within the EastMinCom area,” Commodore Tumanda stated.

“That’s the focus of our territorial defense operations. Again, this defense isn’t just the responsibility of EastMinCom but also involves the local populace. You have a significant role to play,” he added.

“Many large fishing companies operate here with vessels that we cannot fully monitor. They help fill the gaps by providing us with information, making EastMinCom’s operations truly inclusive in terms of territorial defense,” Tumanda explained.

“Besides the reservists who also assist us, this isn’t just about military operations. We need the cooperation of the local communities,” he emphasized.

Tumanda further noted that EastMinCom conducts aerial patrols while the navy carries out maritime patrols, both monitoring vessels in the area.

Regarding the 10th Infantry Division, its commander, Major Gen. Allan Hambala, stated, “While conducting stability operations, we’ve also begun training focused on the potential shift to territorial defense operations.”

Brig. Gen. Frederick Cutler, commander of the Tactical Operations Wing-EastMin, added, “Regarding territorial defense operations, the plan aligns with the directives of Eastern Mindanao Command, which is very beneficial for our country, especially in securing our eastern border and seaboard. We are currently coordinating with the joint task force led by Commodore Tumanda, providing them with aerial support.”

“While they handle the sea lines of communication, we focus on the aerial side. All of this supports our unified command and the national government. The entire team, led by our unified commander, has made a significant contribution. We don’t work alone; we always operate as a team, and we have a very strong one,” Cutler concluded.

Recruitment and Training

Maj. Gen. Hambala also stated that, although their focus is internal, they are reevaluating their organizational structures and training to ensure they are suitable for the military’s territorial defense measures.

“We are reviewing our training and even the structure itself to determine its applicability. For the 10th ID, we focus more on training and have rehabilitated our current organizational structure,” he added.

Similarly, the Tactical Operations Wing-EastMin is also reassessing its approach and continuing recruitment, especially targeting individuals with science degrees.

“In the past two months, we have been recruiting personnel, mostly those with degrees that can assist us in preparing for engineering and scientific capabilities. Along with personnel, we are also assessing the material and assets we require,” Brig. Gen. Frederick Cutler said.

In addition to training their personnel, they are conducting various activities to ensure their reservists are prepared through mobilization exercises.

Moreover, EastMinCom assures the public of its constant readiness to address any threats to the country. They are undertaking various preparations to defend the territory, even in the absence of direct threats in the Davao Region.

The military continues its efforts to ensure that every organization is skilled and prepared for territorial defense.

The EastMinCom covers the area of three regions 10, 11, and 13.

Photo: Rhoda Grace B Saron


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