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Drug-free compliance seminar for businesses migrates online

The City Anti-Drug Abuse Council (Cadac) has opened registration for the third batch of participants for the webinar on Drug-Free Workplace Program for business establishments with 10 or more employees.

The city government moved its two-day drug-free workplace program online using the Google Meet or Zoom platforms since restrictions on mass gatherings or meetings are still prohibited. The first two webinars were conducted on June 4 and June 9.

To register for the orientation, business establishments will coordinate with training providers for the upcoming schedules:

June 16-17 with the Ateneo de Davao University, Kristi Lou S. Taming with contact details 0932 768 4557, 0927 313 4752, 228-1585 and;

June 18-19 with the University of the Immaculate Conception, Dr. Corazon Mamon-Umblero with contact details 0943 128 4709, 296-2083, 221-8090 loc 165 and;

June 23-24 with the University of Mindanao, Angielou A. Padoran, 0907 602 3253, 0926 210 5938, 305-0645 loc 147 and;

July 1-2 with the Holy Cross of Davao College, Dannitz E. Paclipan with contact details 0918 241 3589 and 221-9071 loc 209, 210 and 211 and

Concepcion Domag, Cadac technical adviser, said the city needs to push through with the implementation of City Ordinance No. 0506-13, or the “Ordinance Mandating Random Drug Testing in all establishments in Davao City employing ten or more employees and establishing the same as a requirement in the acquisition and renewal of business permits” while conforming with the new normal rules.

“Since it is an ordinance and we did not receive advice for the compliance period to be lifted or postponed, so we will continue. Because of this pandemic, we have to make adjustments,” Domag said.

Effective January this year, establishments with 10 or more employees are required to present documents such as attendance to the Drug-Free Workplace Orientation/Training, certification of Compliance Conduct of Mandatory Random Drug Testing from the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) and formation of Drug-Free Workplace Policy, and Three-Year Drug Abuse Prevention Plan upon the renewal and registration of their business.

Domag, however, said that CADAC and the Business Bureau have given consideration for the establishments to comply with the requirements due to limited movement under the quarantine period.
Since the program was launched last year, Cadac already conducted the orientation and training for 2,719 business establishments.


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