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DOLE XI outlines programs for PWDs



THE DEPARTMENT of Labor and Employment XI has implemented multiple programs to uplift the social and economic conditions of persons with disabilities (PWDs).

During the Kapihan sa PIA on July 26, Mariane Fatima Mastura-Claron, DOLE XI information officer, said they have dedicated livelihood programs, government internships, and the TUPAD, which is a community-based project providing emergency employment to beneficiaries. 

She said they awarded two livelihood grants for the first semester of 2024, with each beneficiary receiving P30,000 to put up a coffee kiosk and a sari-sari store, respectively. 

Beneficiaries can avail of the livelihood grant by submitting individual or group applications to the DOLE XI office. The department can give as much as P1 million to the deserving applicant. 

She also said TUPAD beneficiaries helped clean their communities for a minimum of 10 days where they earned P462 per day.

Lastly, under the government internship program, PWD youth can work and get paid for three to six months in a DOLE XI partner agency.

DOLE XI marked the 2024 National Disability Rights Week, celebrated from July 17 to 23 through Presidential Proclamation No. 361, Series of 2000. This year’s theme is “Promoting Inclusion: Celebrating Abilities and Advocating Access.”

Photo courtesy of DOLE XI 


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