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DOLE Davao leads job fairs at the ‘Trabaho, Negosyo, Turismo, at Kabuhayan 2.0’ in Davao Oriental

THE DEPARTMENT of Labor and Employment (DOLE) XI – Davao Oriental Field Office (DOFO) actively participated in the launch of Davao Oriental’s “Trabaho, Negosyo, Turismo, at Kabuhayan 2.0.” A key component of this program is the execution of four provincial-wide job fairs running from May until June 24, 2024.

The first job fair, held in Lupon on May 24, 2024, served the towns of Banaybanay, Governor Generoso, San Isidro, and Lupon. This event attracted an impressive number of job seekers, resulting in 20 applicants being hired on the spot (HOTS) and 65 near-hires. This initiative underscores the government’s commitment to tackling unemployment and improving the economic well-being of its residents.

The second job fair took place on May 31, 2024, in the municipality of Baganga, catering to the municipalities of Boston, Cateel, and Baganga. This event tallied a total of 224 job seekers, with eight being hired on the spot, and 22 referred to the Department of Trade and Industry, while 64 were directed to the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) for skills enhancement programs.

The third and final legs of the province-wide job fair will occur on June 17 and 24 in the municipalities of Tarragona and Mati City, respectively.

In a statement, DOLE XI acting regional director Atty. Jason P. Balais encouraged jobseekers to make the most of these job fairs to explore career growth. “We are delighted to participate in this meaningful initiative, which aligns perfectly with our mission to promote gainful employment opportunities. The job fairs are particularly timely as we welcome fresh graduates to the Davao workforce and we in DOLE remain a steadfast partner in this endeavor,” he added.

The success of “Trabaho, Negosyo, Turismo, at Kabuhayan 2.0.” is a testament to the sustained collaborative efforts of the Provincial Government of Davao Oriental, Provincial Public Employment Service Office (PESO), and DOLE, as well as the support of 13 partner government agencies and their commitment to provide a range of programs and services to attendees all free of charge.



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