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DevCon and DOST on climate innovations

THE DEPARTMENT of Science and Technology (DOST) partnered with Developers Connect Philippines (DevCon) on climate innovation initiative for disaster resiliency and mitigation.

At the DevCon Mindanao Summit 2024 in SMX Convention Center on June 29, DOST Secretary Renato U. Solidum, Jr. and DevCon president Winston Damarillo signed the MOA to combine science technology innovation and collaboration to improve the Philippines’ preparedness for climate change threats and natural hazards. 

During an interview, Solidum said that despite the numerous initiatives, DOST is seeking developers and people with creative ideas to accelerate methods and implementations on disaster prevention. The partnership with DevCon will also help DOST to facilitate the development of national programs.

“We need to have applications that can help every local government to be smart and sustainable, which is a very big program of DOST,” he said.

Solidum hoped that the collaboration would be continuous as both DOST and DevCon have shared history together and synergy in terms of thinking and creating an impact on the Philippines. He added the application developed can be a source of wealth for the developers and the country as it can be exported to other countries.

He highlighted the importance of information dissemination on science-based information for people to be informed on hazards and risks they will face in order to achieve resiliency. He explained resiliency can be approached at various levels with every individual needing to play their important roles and responsibilities. 

“That is why we have been populating some of the apps developed by DOST so that people will have the information at their fingertips using the phone. And once you are able to understand the hazard and the risks, then you are at least able to have an informed decision whether you want to prepare or not,” he said.

Solidum also delivered a speech at the DevCon Mindanao Summit 2024 where he hopes to transform the mindset of Filipinos on disaster resilience, and for the Philippines to sustain its environment and future.

“I truly believe that through science, technology, and innovation, and our collective efforts with this bayanihan spirit of Filipinos, we should not be portrayed as victims of disasters but victors over disasters, and I hope that you are one with me in having that mindset,” he said.

In Solidum’s presentation, the WorldRiskReport 2023’s data shows that out of the 193 countries, the Philippines ranks 1st as the country with the most at risk and exposure to natural hazards and climate. The report further showed that the disaster risks also stem from the vulnerability and lack of coping and adaptive capacity of the people.



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