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Data on RH show upward trend

The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health (RPRH) Law has improved outcomes and better policies, the 2018 (RPRH) Law Annual Report said.

Among the key areas monitored is the Family Planning Modern Contraceptive Prevalence Rate in family planning for both the public and private sector. The figures showed an increasing trend from the 52.89% in 2017 to to 56.67% in 2018, according to the statement from the Commission on Population (Popcom), based on the Field Health Service Information System (FHSIS).

The commission also noted that demand generation activities such as Responsible Parenthood-Family Planning (RPFP) classes, pre-marriage orientation, counseling sessions, and Kalalakihang Tapat sa Responsibilidad at Obligasyon sa Pamilya, were able to reach more than 200,000 women of reproductive ages on the unmet need for modern family planning (MFP).

“Of these, 85 percent were referred and served with MFP methods,” it said, adding that the government is eyeing family planning in the workplace.

“It is a new initiative by Popcom, (that) aims to integrate RPFP in human resource development programs of national government agencies,” it said.

According the Commission, the improvements are part of the launch of the National Program for Population and Family Planning “as the government strengthened the socio-economic component of its population program by issuing Executive Order 71 in December 2018.”

“This move has given prominence to the role of population and reproductive health in national and economic development,” it said.



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