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DAR XI clarifies policies for CLOA beneficiaries 

By Katrina Sanchez/AdDU Intern 


THE DEPARTMENT of Agrarian Reform XI (DAR XI) clarified the established regulations that deceased beneficiaries must follow under their Certificate of Land Ownership Award (CLOA) program.

 During the 5th Kapihan sa Bagong Pilipinas episode held at World Palace Hotel on June 25, DAR XI regional director Atty. Jazon E. Collado said they implemented policies such as the division of land and raffle to address agrarian reform issues.

He added they follow legal compliance with administrative orders from the central office, focusing on monitoring and distributing agricultural land for their Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs), who, in turn, are obligated to nourish the land.

Moreover, Charlotte H. Sison, DAR XI assistant regional director for operations, said they reinforce strict supervision to protect the lives and livelihood of the agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs). 

Additionally, she said DAR’s rules mandate a 10-year ARB bind to CLOA. The successors of a deceased beneficiary must agree on who will continue farming the land to claim full rights to it.

Kung sabihin natin three hectares, tatlo kayo na maghati-hati, eh magiging isang hektarya na lang. ‘Pano mo mabubuhay yung pamilya mo kung maliit na lang yung lupa? (If we say three hectares, and it will be subdivided into three beneficiaries. How can you support your family with one hectare of land)?” she stated.

Collado added that cases take time due to land disputes and entitlement involving provincial up to central offices, resulting in lengthy legal proceedings.

Kaya nga po na ang hirap ng trabaho namin na kahit gusto namin mapag-bigyan lahat ng nag-aapply na maging beneficiary, pero i-babalanse din namin yung reality, yung katotohanan na kailangan gumanda rin dapat yung buhay, (That’s why our work is so difficult that even though we want to grant everyone who applies to be a beneficiary, but we will also balance the reality, the fact that life must also improve,)” he explained.

To add, he said the department aims for a win-win situation for owners and farmers under their CLOA program unless the Supreme Court issues a temporary restraining order (TRO).

May karapatan si land owner, may karapatan din si farmer. Ngayon kung mas malamang ang land owner, at medyo 60 – 40, 40% si farmer, tulungan na si farmer, (The landowner has rights, the farmer also has rights. Now if the land owner has an advantage, and it’s 60 – 40, 40% for the farmer, we help the farmer,)” he said.


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