MAGKAUGNAY seems to be the Locsin Dance Workshop’s (LDW) banner dance in its performances during and outside of the recitals and showcases in the past so many years. I’ve lost count as to how many times I’ve seen this dance piece performed by the LDW dancers. But throughout the years, it has transformed into a moving choreography loaded with the universal message to inspire us on harmony and unity in the midst of our diversity.

Joey Ayala’s MAGKAUGNAY was first choreographed by Agnes Locsin in 1993 for Ballet Philippines 2’s (BP2) special performance in the Golden Dove Television Awards at the Metropolitan Theater in Manila. Locsin called it a “quickie” as it was choreographed in an hour…or maybe less, she says. Truth is all the movements were lifted from her different existing works being performed by the mother company, Ballet Philippines (BP). Movement phrases put together became “ang walang kamatayang MAGKAUGNAY”, which to date has been performed innumerable times by BP, BP2, and the Locsin Dance Workshop, and as by innumerable dance groups at innumerable venues all over the country.

The peak of Magkaugnay’s exposure was when it was requested thus performed by LDW at the “ASEAN Summit in 2017,” right in front of the world leaders on stage at the Cultural Center of the Philippines. The event was broadcast live all over the world. “It was heart-warming to us how the world responded to our dancers’ performance with praise and pride,” said the Filipinos from all over the world.
“LDW has now been invited to perform, once again, in Manila. And this time around, we are performing Alden Lugnasin’s “SWANS…Fluttering Disturbances.” Alden Lugnasin’s masterwork was first choreographed in 1997 for BP2 at the CCP Tanghalang Huseng Batute. The original version consisted of a corp dance prologue and a pas de deux. In 2009, with the permission of Alden Lugnasin, Agnes Locsin restaged and reworked the dance turning it into SWANS…, a full deconstruction of Act 2 of the classic Swan Lake.

Come July 13, 2019, the mixture of the Lugnasin and Locsin creation, “SWANS…Fluttering Disturbances,” will be performed at the Cultural Center of the Philippines, as part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Ballet Philippines. Performing the Lugnasin masterwork are Monique Uy, Samantha Martin, Jobelle Mahinay, Dianne Wenceslao, Claire Jeng, Divine Tapiz, Gabrielle Tan, Nikka Noble, and Jaimee Delgado, along with LDW’s Alumni Kris-Belle Paclibar Mamangun and Biag Gaongen. “This will be another memorable experience for our LDW students and faculty, that will give the Dabawenyo hearts great pride and joy,” promises the dance maestra as she adds, “Salamat kaayo to our sponsors and donors… Wish us well.”