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DCPO says index crimes significantly drop in first half of 2024

THE DAVAO City Police Office (DCPO) reports a positive trend in crime statistics for the first five months of 2024. 

Compared to the same period last year, overall crime incidents decreased by 72 cases, representing a 3.93% reduction, based on the record of DCPO.

Index crimes are down significantly

Index crimes, which are considered serious offenses, saw a more substantial drop of 43 incidents (28.47%). While rape, theft, and murder remain the most prevalent index crimes, they also showed a decrease due to the DCPO’s relentless crime prevention efforts.

Non-index crimes decline as well

Violations of special laws, categorized as non-index crimes, also decreased by 19 incidents (1.93%) during the period. 

DCPO spokesperson Captain Hazel Tuazon said this highlights the effectiveness of ongoing police operations in maintaining order.

However, the report also reveals a rise in drug-related offenses. From January to May 2024, there were 614 violations of the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act (RA 9165), an 11.23% increase compared to 552 in 2023. 

Meanwhile, violations of RA 9282 (Illegal Gambling) and RA 10591 (Illegal Possession of Firearms) dropped by 23.53% (96 cases) and 71.43% (15 cases) respectively.

Also, Tuazon, said the DCPO appreciates public cooperation in combating crime.

“The assistance of the public in providing information about individuals involved in illegal activities has been valuable,” she said. “The cooperation of the community has had a significant impact on our crime-fighting efforts.”


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