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Councilor pushes creation of Local Schools Mental Health Support Council


A LAWMAKER pushed for an ordinance creating a Local Schools Mental Health Support Council in support of Republic Act No. 12080.

“This ordinance will establish a Local Schools Mental Health Support Council to oversee and strengthen mental health programs, foster partnerships to augment resources and ensure our schools are equipped to uphold the law’s mandate,” Councilor Pilar Braga said in her privilege speech on Thursday’s regular session.

R.A. 12080 also known as the “Basic Education Mental Health and Well-Being Promotion Act” was signed into law by President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on December 9.

The law mandates the establishment of care centers in every public basic education school, headed by a school counselor and assisted by counselor associates.

The center will provide counseling and stress management workshops and implement programs that will help reduce stigma on mental health for both basic education learners and teaching and non-teaching personnel in public and private schools.

“The work does not end with its signing. The real challenge lies in its implementation, particularly in cities like ours, where many schools still struggle with limited resources, a shortage of mental health professionals, and insufficient anti-bullying programs,” Braga added.

Braga urged fellow lawmakers to localize the initiative to address the shortage of guidance councilors and support the training of teacher-counselors.

The creation of the council will ensure that every school has an operational care center where every learner in the city feels “seen, supported, and valued.”

Along with the creation of the council, the councilor emphasized the need to localize anti-bullying policies to create a safer and more supportive environment for the learners.

The councilor’s privilege speech was considered read on the first reading and endorsed to the Committee on Education for appropriate legislation.

File photo by Bing Gonzales


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