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Close to Home | Lorna Byrne’s Angels in My Hair

Some time ago, a friend gave me a book entitled The Secret History of the World by Jonathan Black. It was an interesting albeit a tedious read. In the last few pages of the book, the author made mention of a woman named Lorna Byrne. According to Black, Lorna wrote a book about the angels called Angels in My Hair. I thought that she was somehow related to The Secret’s Rhonda Byrne (though I figured out later, Rhonda Byrne got her name from Lorna – but that’s another story).

I was initially curious about Lorna Byrne and I have wanted to read Angels in My Hair but it was pricey in Amazon. One day, my sister-in-law sent me an e-book file bearing the said title. I was estatic.

Anyway, Lorna Byrne, who lives in Ireland, claims to have highly clairvoyant capacities. She can see if the person who comes to her is about to transition to the after-life and she can also see the angels in human form; she can also communicate with them. When she was young, her parents thought she was retarded because she was highly dyslexic and she started talking much later than she began to understood things. She can stare at a cow, for example, for hours. According to her, angels would show her the many parts of a cow. She can even see the calf inside the tummy of a mother cow. Moreover, she can see the guardian angels of other people.

When I read Angels in My Hair, I only felt lightness. It seemed to me that Lorna does not want to appear so mystical or holier than thou. She talks about her experience with the spiritual world as-a-matter-of-factly. She also attested how other people tell her that they saw her with someone when she knows that that certain time, she was talking with an angel.

The book is actually full of encouragement. It is not your typical all-good promises book just because she is in contact with the angels. Many times, she would be cross toward the angels for revealing to her the things that she would rather not know; like the death of her father. She does not hesitate to tell the angels about how she feels. And yet, she would do what the angels would ask her to do because she thinks that it is right. There are even times when her family had to scrimp for food. She says that these times are a test to someone’s faith in God. Our faith is ever so often put to test.

What I especially appreciate about Lorna is that she sends out comforting messages to people who have lost a loved one. Most importantly, she encourages everyone to be kind. She says that if you feel in your heart to smile to a stranger or to do some random act of kindness, then you should go ahead without hesitation. For all you know, you are playing a part in the bigger picture that our limited perception does not have access yet. She also says that whatever church she goes to, she would see so many angels. This means that no matter what your religion is, the Divine is everywhere.

About unemployed angels, Lorna further shares that there are so many unemployed angels and all we have to do is call them and ask for their help. According to her, we can ask and send unemployed angels to a loved one or a friend who needs help.

So if you feel that you need encouragement in life, you can go download this book. They have made the e-book free and you can access it on your mobile phones. It may be a little bit difficult to believe in these things, but there’s no harm in trying. We know very well that for us to grow, we need to keep an open mind.


  • Joan Mae Soco Bantayan

    Joan Mae Soco-Bantayan is a teacher at Tuburan Institute, Inc. She is also a wife and a mother of two. For questions and comments, feel free to drop her an e-mail at or visit her Facebook page, Joan Mae Soco.

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