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City College to move to Bago Oshiro in 2-3 years

THE CITY College of Davao (CCD) will move to a bigger and better site on a five-hectare government land in Bago Oshiro, Talomo District in 2026 at the earliest. 

The announcement was made by Hon. Pilar Braga, chairperson of the committee on education, during the 20th City Council Media Forum on June 18. According to Braga, the site is set to be the permanent location of the institution. 

The school is temporarily operating in Catalunan Pequeño. 

“The project is estimated to be finished in 2 to 3 years,” Braga announced. Braga described the construction as “world-class.”

An architectural design already exists for the new location, but the project still lacks a plan for ground development. 

The project is reportedly at 10% completion. “Currently, the local government is working on the relocation of settlers in the area,” Braga said.

Meanwhile, enrollment for the upcoming semester is still ongoing, with program offerings of Entrepreneurship and Early Childhood Education, among others. CCD is also hiring new teachers for the upcoming school year. 

The school recently held its inaugural recognition ceremony led by Mayor Sebastian Duterte and students representing different indigenous tribes last June 14. 

File Photo: Bing Gonzales



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