PURSUANT to Proclamation No. 282 dated July 31, 2018 (amending Proclamation No. 1008 dated May 21, 2018), of which August is declared as “ASEAN Month” in honor of the regional bloc’s founding on August 08, 1967, the Commission on Higher Education Regional Office XI (CHEDRO-XI) joins the Philippine Higher Education Sector in building efforts to increase ASEAN awareness with the theme “PADYAK! Moving Forward, Claiming Victory for Philippine Higher Education in the ASEAN Community.”

The Commemoration was done through the conduct of two major activities such as the ASEAN-inspired Digital Painting Contest and the 2nd Regional Conference on Internationalization of HEIs in Davao Region. The ASEAN-inspired Digital Painting Contest showcased the talents of students in Higher Education Institutions on digital painting and deepened ASEAN awareness by depicting the characteristics of ASEAN Member countries which the contestants illustrated.
On the other hand, the 2nd Regional Conference on Internationalization of HEIs in Davao Region aimed to present the current status of HEIs as regards Internationalization, discuss strategies on how to enhance internationalization programs, share best practices of Internationalization of selected institutions, and promote ASEAN awareness and connectivity of HEIs in the Region. More than 300 participants composed of Presidents/Heads, Vice Presidents, Deans, Program Heads, Faculty Members and students of HEIs in the country who have virtually joined through the Zoom platform and around 6,000 have joined in the Facebook Live Streaming. The video has 12,812 views, and 20,828 reached.
In her opening remarks, Dr. Maricar R. Casquejo, CHEDRO XI Director, established the background, rationale, and the continuity of the current activity to the previous years. She also enumerated victories of CHED through the leadership of Chairman Prospero E. De Vera III, with the CHED International Affairs Office headed by Atty. Lily Freida Macabangun-Milla, for Philippine Higher Education in the ASEAN Community. CHED Commissioner Aldrin Arenas Darilag graced the Conference as the Keynote Speaker. In his speech, Commissioner Darilag emphasized the need to support internationalization practices and initiatives. “I reiterate my responsibility in pursuing our vision of one ASEAN – maintaining unity in diversity; and our mission of promoting regional peace and stability for the prosperity and welfare of all,” Com. Darilag said. CHEDRO XI Education Supervisor II, Dr. Randy A. Tudy, presented the results of the survey on the status of internationalization of HEIs in Davao Region. Findings of the study will serve as inputs on the kind of intervention that the CHED RO XI will implement to enhance the internationalization of HEIs in the Region. The Ateneo de Davao University and San Pedro College, which were both awardees of the 1st Philippine Higher Education Internationalization Award by the UPOU in cooperation with the Commission on Higher Education, shared their best practices on Internationalization.

After the sharing of best practices, responses were given by Dr. Joy M. Sorrosa, President of Davao del Norte State College representing the State Universities and Colleges (SUCs); Dr. Lyndon F. Devero, President of Samal Island City College representing the Local Universities and Colleges (LUCs); and Engr. Alejandro H. Ballado Jr, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Malayan Colleges of Mindanao representing the Private Higher Education Institutions (PHEIs).
Before the end of the Conference, CHEDRO XI presented the entries and awarded the Winners of the CHED ASEAN-Inspired Digital Painting Contest. Among the 25 entries, three were given major prices while 10 received consolation prizes. The first place was awarded to Mel Zaimen Vallescas from Davao del Norte State College with his entry entitled “Hulagway sa Kalampusan” who received certification of recognition and P10,000.00 in cash. The second placer was Michael Aaron Puzon from Davao del Norte State College with his entry entitled “Hatud” who also received certificate of recognition and P7,000.00 in cash. Third place was Cyril John Amoronio from the Malayan Colleges Mindanao with his entry entitled “Saranggola” who received a certificate and P5,000.00 in cash. Aside from the three winners, 10 other entries received consolation prizes with P2,000.00 each.

The Celebration of the CHED RO XI on the Commemoration of the 54th Founding Anniversary of ASEAN for this Year received favorable reactions from its stakeholders based on the messages in the Facebook and Zoom chat box. As such, the CHED RO XI is thankful on the support and cooperation given by the CHED Central Office and the Presidents/Heads of the 105 HEIs in the Region among other stakeholders.
CHED Commissioner Aldrin A. Darilag as the Keynote Speaker of CHEDRO XI 2nd Regional Conference on Internationalization.
Panel of Reactors from the SUCS, LUC, and PHEI in Davao Region, from the left, Dr. Lyndon F. Devero, President of Samal Island City College; Dr. Joy M. Sorrosa, President of Davao del Norte State College; and Engr. Alejandro H. Ballado Jr.
Winners of the ASEAN-Inspired Digital Painting Competition are Mel Zaimen Vallescas from Davao del Norte State College 1st Placer, Michael A Puzon who is also from Davao del Norte State College as 2nd Placer and Cyril John Amoronio from Malayan Colleges Mindanao as 3rd Placer.
Participants of the 2nd Regional Conference on Internationalization of HEIs in Davao Region.