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CDO Jail-Male Dormitory engages students on violence against women

THE CAGAYAN de Oro City Jail-Male Dormitory (CDOCJ-MD) personnel, under the supervision of jail warden JSupt Marlon J. Ymballa, conducted an awareness campaign at Lumbia National High School on Dec. 11, 2024. 

The activity, led by by JO1 Christaline A Go and JO1 Grace F Bansale,  was organized in collaboration with the school’s principal, Maurita M. Donasco. 

The information drive aimed to raise awareness about critical laws designed to protect individuals’ rights and prevent violence, focusing specifically on Republic Act (RA) 9262, which addresses violence against women and children, and RA 11313, which protects against gender-based sexual harassment in public spaces.

The activity was part of the Cagayan de Oro City Jail’s involvement in the 2024 18-Day Campaign to End VAW, a nationwide initiative dedicated to raising awareness and promoting gender equality. Through this event, the personnel hoped to educate the youth on these vital laws and encourage them to advocate for a safer, more respectful society.


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