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Art group supports art districts to bolster attraction, income for artists in Davao City 

A COMMITTEE of the Mindanao Art Fair said they look forward to the planned establishment of art districts in Davao City, as the project will be both an attraction for tourists and an opportunity for the artists to sell their artworks. 

In an interview, Karlo Galay, MinArt’s organizing committee, said several areas around the country also introduced art districts in their respective places.

“Art tourism is a big thing globally. I think at the top of my mind is the one in Bacolod, the Orange Project. It would be a great idea if Davao sets up one art district,” Galay said. 

Galay shared that the city already has spaces for art attractions, however, they are located in different areas.

“An art district could be a very welcome development. That’s already beyond us, but that is something we eagerly look forward to if it does emerge,” he said.

In terms of preserving heritage, he said the Mindanao Art Fair, which is set to launch on Sept. 27 to Oct. 6, also has a unique approach to intangible heritage, such as oral traditions and practice, local knowledge, performing arts, and language. 

“We do have a lot of contemporary artists who collaborate with traditional craftsmen or custodians of intangible heritage. The built heritage, however, we are still headed there,” he said. 

He also stressed the importance of heritage conservation, as the city is observed to have buildings and structures suitable for adaptive reuse.

“I hope that we would see more support, especially in the local government on this, and I’m still not sure if the cultural mapping in Davao City is already established and has continued,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Regional Development Council XI convened a special committee on Culture, Heritage, and the Arts last May this year, whose functions are “to formulate regional policies to address issues and concerns on the preservation and conservation of culture, heritage, and the arts.” 


photo by Ian Ray Garcia


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