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Driving innovation across the Philippines: 11 NICER Centers shaping the future

IN A bid to strengthen regional research and development, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) established the Niche Centers in the Regions for R&D (NICER) Program, a crucial initiative under the Science for Change Program (S4CP).

This initiative funds universities and research institutions across the Philippines to drive innovation and economic growth tailored to local needs.

To showcase recent developments of the NICER program, DOST, through DOSTv, one of the flagship programs of the Science and Technology Information Institute (STII), has officially launched its newest and much-awaited TV program, Science Pinas. It is being aired on GTV every Saturday at 9 a.m. These centers are also the highlights of the Science Pinas TV Show, where each episode explores groundbreaking research and innovations happening across the country.

Come and get to know these centers more and share this piece of information with your family and friends.

Garlic and other agri-good condiments R&D center

Hosted by Mariano Marcos State University, this center focuses on enhancing garlic and other key agri-food condiments’ production through scientific research and development. By improving farming techniques, disease management, and post-harvest processing, this initiative aims to boost the local condiments industry and support Filipino farmers.

For more details, visit their official Facebook page or website.

Biodiversity Research and Development Center

Situated at Cebu Technological University, this center is focused on understanding and preserving the Philippines’ rich biodiversity. Researchers conduct assessments of flora and fauna, aiming to create conservation programs that protect endangered species and their habitats.

Find out more about their initiatives on their website and social media platforms.

Potato Research and Development Center

Benguet State University is leading the charge in developing improved potato production techniques. The center focuses on ensuring self-sufficiency in quality seed production, addressing the challenges faced by local farmers in accessing high-grade planting materials.

Follow their updates on social media or visit their website for more information.


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