PERSONNEL of the Davao City Jail seized about P130,000 in contrabands from three newly committed persons deprived of liberty (PDL).
Jail Senior Inspector Ellen Rose Saragena, chief of the Civil Relations Service of the jail, said the contrabands- shabu, ecstasy and tobacco- were discovered as the three were undergoing
The pre-commitment protocol of drug testing and suppository administered by the nurses of the facility.
This protocol is established to ensure that every committed PDL is free from contraband.
“The male Dormitory has established a pre-commitment protocol of drug testing and suppository administered by Personnel Nurses to ensure that every committed Persons Deprived of Liberty is free from contraband,” said Saragena.
The discovery was made by the duty nurse who discovered two sachets of shabu, ten tablets of suspected ecstasy, five micro sim cards, and two pieces of dried rolled tobacco leaves. These items were all sealed inside a cellophane and condom inserted in the anus of the three suspects.
The BJMP immediately informed the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, Philippine National Police, media members, and Barangay Officials about the incident for proper verification, tagging, and turnover of custody of the suspected contraband. Furthermore, the BJMP will conduct further inquiries regarding the incident, and the newly committed individuals implicated will face the proper charges.
In a statement, the BJMP assured the public that it will continue to implement strict security measures to prevent the entry of contraband into the facility.
“The BJMP will continue to implement strict security measures, however creative contraband sneaking will be in the future, rest assured that the BJMP will adapt its policies and protocol to prevent the entry of contraband into our jail facilities and ensure the safety and reformation of all PDL under our scrutinizing watch,” it added,