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60 individuals join the Reserve Force

IN line with the implementation of RA 7077, otherwise known as the AFP Reservist Act of 1991, Col. Josue M Caberto MI (GSC) PA, Group Commander of the 11th Regional Community Defense Group, Reserve Command, Philippine Army, presided over the closing ceremony of Special Military Orientation Training Class 01-2023 as keynote speaker and administered the oath of sixty (60) individuals from different professions as newly-reservist personnel under the administration and supervision of the 1105th (Metro Davao) Community Defense Center, 11RCDG, Rescom, PA on February 19, 2023, at Hqs 11RCDG, Rescom, PA Camp San Gabriel, Mintal, Tugbok District, Davao City.

Prior to the said activity, said individuals underwent Special Military Orientation Training to gain basic knowledge and skills on basic soldiery and internalize the functions, duties, and responsibilities as members of the Reserve Force. Likewise, pinning of ranks to the said reservist personnel was also administered by Col. Caberto and assisted by available officers from 11RCDG and 1105RRIBn.

The said activity was also attended by Mr. Neil M. Cañedo, regional director of LTO 11, Lt. Col. Rodrigo L Rivamonte GSC RES (PA), CO 1105RRIBn, 11RCDG personnel, reservist personnel, and dependents of newly-reservist personnel. Lt. Col. Rivamonte fully accepted the newly-reservist personnel and reminded the latter that “there will be more challenges ahead, but those challenges will be addressed if we work together all in the name of God, country, people, and family”.

On the other hand, Lt. Col. Reandrew P Rubio INF (GSC) PA, director of 1105CDC, 11RCDG, Rescom, PA, appreciated the spirit of volunteerism and commitment of the newly-reservist personnel for joining the Reserve Force. The additional manpower would surely enhance the capability of our Ready Reserve Units, Rubio said.

Col. Caberto lauded the efforts of the 11RCDG and 1105CDC personnel for their steadfastness in accomplishing its mission, which is to develop, organize, train, equip, and administer reservists into a capable, responsive, and mobilizable Reserve Force. “I also encouraged the newly-reservist personnel to be productive, be an asset to the organization, and work hand-in-hand with the regular personnel to accomplish the given mission”, Col. Caberto said. PR


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