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300 traffic enforcers assigned to Catholic churches

THE CITY Transport and Traffic Management Office will deploy 300 personnel to man Catholic churches in the city during the observance of Holy Week.

Leonardo Pamplona, CTTMO acting division head, said traffic personnel are discouraged from filing a leave next week to ensure security on the roads near the churches.

During the AFP-PNP Press Corps on March 20, Pamplona said they would assign 5-6 personnel to every church. He advised the public to treat the activities on Holy Week with maximum tolerance when passing roads near some huge churches in the city.

The city council approved the request of San Pedro Cathedral parish on Tuesday, March 19, to close Bolton St. and C.M. Recto Ave. fronting the cathedral to prepare for the traditional salubong reenactment and blessing of fire.

The road between will be closed starting Holy Monday, March 24, at 5 a.m. until Easter Sunday, March 31, at 8 p.m. to allow workers to install steel structures for the event.

Pamplona said there are no road closures for the Way of the Cross, but rather, traffic personnel will marshal the procession. The Way of the Cross is observed during Good Friday of the Holy Week.

He added there would be sufficient personnel to man the event, considering that churches in the city will not conduct the procession simultaneously.

“For processions that are done early dawn, we do not see any problem with that as there are few vehicles during that time, and participants will only walk,” Pamplona added.

The official added they coordinated with the parish administrators of churches for requests for additional personnel.



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