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10th Infantry Division reports no recent NPA activity; focuses on ‘lie-low’ members

THE 10TH Infantry Division reported no recorded or monitored New People’s Army (NPA)-related activities, so it would rechannel its efforts to reach out to “lie-low” or inactive members.

Major Ruben Gadut, the 10th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office chief, attributed the zero incidents to their “continued engagement under the localized peace engagement in strengthening our integrated territorial defense system and interoperability of its components.”

He added, “We are happy that our area remains peaceful. But our focused military operations continue in the areas.  Our efforts target not only remnants but also active members of the Southern Mindanao Regional Committee, including those in lie-low status.”

Gadut stated, “We have made efforts to identify, locate, engage, and cope with even those active in the movement since 2016. We have 12 surrendered Milisyang Bayan from Glan, Sarangani province. They were operating from 2017 to 2022, but by 2022 until now, they are already lie-low.”

“So, they are not counted as remnants but our efforts in 10ID are to identify, locate, and engage them through localized peace engagement because they have the highest probability of establishing initial contact with the remnants that were left, in order to recover the declared insurgency-free areas in our region,” he said.

He continued, “Under Dismantled Guerilla Front 51 and Dismantled GF Alip of the Far South Mindanao Region, we have 31 lie-low members. These are NPA regular members, but along the way, some went AWOL, and others asked permission – in short, they are not active during these times. That’s why we call them lie-low. Some of them can return.”

“With this effort, we have identified 31 lie-low members under DGF 51 of SMRC, and DGF Alip and Tala. This is our significant accomplishment in terms of internal security operations,” he said.

When asked about the lie-low members’ fate, Gadut said, “Under the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP), if you are an NPA member and you surfaced in 2016 until now, you are entitled to the benefits of E-CLIP.”

“ In short, you will be processed and enrolled in the E-CLIP program after you are given a JAPIC (Joint AFP-PNP Intelligence Committee) certification that certifies you are an active member, the same as through the process for regular NPA members. For now, they are under the custody of the battalions under custodial debriefing,” he explained.

These lie-low members include regular members, medics, vice commanding officers, and others.

“But until now, they are still waiting for confirmation and will wait for their JAPIC certification for the final listing. They are under the supervision and membership of the dismantled Guerilla Front 51 of SMRC and DGF Alip in the areas of Makilala, North Cotabato,” he said.

Gadut added that they are still looking for the 21 remnants of the rebel groups, composed of cadres from different dismantled guerilla fronts. “So they are actively in the movement; we are currently going after them,” he concluded.


Photo by Rhoda Grace Saron 



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