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Vlogger slammed for shaming Ata tribe members

CONTENT creator Tor Bagtik is in hot water after a video of him publicly degrading Ata tribe members went viral online.

In the video, Tor Bagtik was filming the two Ata women and described them using the words “looy na luod (pitiful and disgusting).” He later deleted the video when netizens bashed him. 

The United Moro and Indigenous People (UMIP) Movement strongly condemned the remarks of the vlogger, saying that “the language is not only offensive but also deeply discriminatory” and reflects a lack of respect for the diverse cultures and identities in the city.

“Davao City has always been a city of inclusivity, fairness, and love-values that our indigenous and Moro communities uphold and contribute to. Any form of discrimination, especially against our indigenous elders, is an insult to the harmonious coexistence we have built over generations,” UMIP said in a press release on Tuesday. 

While the group recognized the vlogger’s public apology, it stressed the incident should serve as a lesson that social media content should not come at the expense of another person’s dignity.

“Gaining popularity through the degradation of others is an inhumane act that has no place in a city that prides itself on respect and unity,” UMIP added.

The 20th City Council’s Indigenous People’s Mandatory Representative Rodolfo Mande told reporters the office will take action against the vlogger through the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples.

Ang iyang gihimo dako na siya nga sala sa among mga kaliwat, labi na kay mga edaran no, wala mi nalipay sa iyang gibuhat (What he did was a huge offense to our kinsfolks, especially since they are elderly. We are not happy with his actions),” Mande stressed. 

The councilor said they will call the attention of the vlogger to present himself before the NCIP and face his consequences for violating the rights of IPs.

Meanwhile, the vlogger already apologized in another posted Facebook video, saying that he is a comedian and only kidding when he uttered those remarks. He also gave the two Ata women P100 each. 

Photo: Screenshot from Tor Bagtik Facebook



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