THE Securities and Exchange Commission-Davao Extension Office (SEC-DEO) and the Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office XI (DSWD XI) sign a memorandum of agreement as part of the implementation of the SEC Communication, Advocacy and Network (SEC-CAN!).
Signed on August 26 at the Pinnacle Hotel in Davao City, the two national government agencies have agreed to cooperate through information dissemination and knowledge sharing on topics on the fundamentals of investing, financial literacy, investor protection, and investment scams, and updates on procedures on registration, reportorial requirements, and submission of reports.

Signing for SEC-DEO was its director, Atty. Katrina Ponco-Estares, while representing the DSWD XI was Atty. Vanessa B. Goc-ong, its regional director. Witnessing the ceremonial signing was DSWD Undersecretary Denise Florence B. Bernos-Bragas, M.D.
Under the agreement, the SEC-DEO will “prepare modules and course design, provide resource persons, and inform all organizations applying for registration and planning to function as Social Welfare and Development Agencies (SWDA) and Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) Associations to register with, obtain a license from, or be accredited by the DSWD.”
Aside from creating its project support team, the DSWD XI for its part will provide the logistical requirements necessary for the implementation of the project, including “ensur(ing) the availability and participation of the maximum number of staff/participants concerned during the conduct of seminars, discussions/meetings, and other activities of the project.”
Aside from providing a list of registered SWDAs, the agency will also assist eligible and qualified Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) Associations to register with the SEC and link community-based organizations to the project for technical assistance and accreditation.