Driving to Hacienda de Remedios with friends in a van, friends of Nomi Monfort arrived at the Chapel of the Infant Jesus of Prague in Tambo, Samal Island on October 23, 2019. Confession, Eucharistic celebration, healing and deliverance took place officiated by Monsignor Frederick Kriekenback, whose ministry is healing and deliverance. He is connected with Cebu City’s Mary’s Little Children Community, which is also found in Bacaca but connected with Assumption Parish in Davao City. Centers are also found in Australia and Tasmania.
This site of our visit is now popularly known as the Monfort Bat Cave. The occasion was made possible through the positive and uplifting spirituality of Nomi I. Monfort and blessings of Rev. Fr. Mervin George Maglana, Parish Priest of Birhen Dolorosa Parish of Babak, together with the help of the members of Mary’s Little Children Community-Davao.
The Con celebrated Eucharistic Celebration was attended by the three clusters of GKK members and some close friends of the Monfort Family. Nomi Monfort’s daughter, Diana built the chapel of prayer which was entrusted and dedicated to the family by the Carmelite Monks through Ms. Susan Papas-Hauck, who was instrumental in bringing the Love of Jesus to Samal and the enthronement of the Infant of Jesus of Prague.
On this special day, the Monforts reached out in inviting Msgr. Kriekenbeck, whose mother is a Filipina, to continue his holistic endeavor and promote devotion to God and increase spiritual growth.
Joining our group for the visit to the Niño by the Sea were Dr. Aurora Chio, Neth and Marjorie Dano and Mariel Macapawa,
With special thanks to Ianne Monfort for the added information on the event.