In such a limited space to perform our “field work” at home for over a month already, the challenge we face is not as easy as when there was no restriction for us during community quarantine.

To make the situation more challenging, seniors like us who are usually busy attending board meetings, covering social events, and doing our regular shopping for groceries are now ordered to stay home.
We are not complaining in this situation, as we understand that our frontliners are in a more delicate situation than we are. We just have to make ourselves occupied and useful to the community in spite of quarantine rules. With this, we saw our good friend Letty Singson-Averion posting on Facebook what she did to keep boredom away.
Leticia Singson-Averion calls it the Covid 19 Challenge. She shows us her DIY projects, sewing dresses and scarves and honing her Japanese Ikebana flower arrangement skills, using materials she finds around her garden. She finished sewing a skirt out of two scarves and did some beadwork on a gown she bought in LA last July, in between watching Netflix and arranging flowers to while away the “seemingly endless hours.”
Letty was a resident of Florida, USA before she decided to relocate in Davao City. She went to the PWC of Davao for her college course, where we became friends. She spends a lot of time traveling abroad and has been to Europe, Scandinavia, India and other places she chose to visit.
She keeps busy managing her small hotel, Chateau del Mar, which she now converted into an apartelle or Apartment/Hotel for those interested to stay without the hassle of cleaning as she offers free services for laundry and housekeeping.
Photo credits: Leticia S. Averion