Scene City | Ladislawa Ageless Society’s Christmas Party
Marilyn Roque
It was a night of surprises, gifts, fun and special guests! Rose Teves enjoyed being the emcee and a big “wow” to the endless energy of Dr. Rory Chio and Eve Afdal. Celine Andrade-Agton met with former high school classmate Elenita Roque Aquino and sister, Marilyn, who came from another Christmas Thanksgiving Party on the same evening.
This story appeared on Page 13 of the December 28 issue of Mindanao Times. Click on the photo to download a copy.
Dr. Rory Chio gave away Mayana plants she has been propagating at her Ladislawa residence on top of the exchange gifts that made the evening livelier.
Special thanks to choirmaster Jong Goleng who played the keys and belted out songs with Fely Mahani, Rose Teves and of course, Celina Andrade-Agton. And to Boy Tamayo, Special and Marilou Yap.
The photos will tell the rest of the story of how the party went as the dancing talents of the Ageless Society kept the music going until the lights went out at Ahfat III on the evening of December 18.