After successfully supporting the San Pablo Parish- Red Cross-Davao Chapter Blood-Letting event, in coordination with the Ascension of the Lord Parish Council (GSIS), led by GK/SK

Lawrence Aguilar and SK Christopher Roble, and the Msgr. Bacquial 4th Degree Assembly, under Faithful Navigators SK Rommel Bernardino and SK Proculo Gohetia, in November 2019, the Knights of Columbus, St. Paul-Davao Council, presently under the leadership of GK/SK Luceno “Boy” Gomez, once again, shared their confidently-beautiful hearts by inviting several elderly couples from Barangay 76-A (Bucana), ably led by Sr. Citizens Brgy. Chapter Pres. Merly Tampos, to another wonderful Valentine’s Day dinner affair.
The activity was initiated by Past Grand Knight, now, Program Director, Edgar M. Rico, and PGK/Community Service Director Mario N. Lopez. The council house was turned into a lively, mini-ballroom venue, with chosen “Young Once” enjoying a memorable “Valentine’s Day Date” – a “wish-ko-lang” activity. Most of them later admitted, they had not experienced this during their more than thirty years or so, of married life, but suddenly became a “dream-come-true”, through these caring “Men they call Knights”.
The program started with a touching opening prayer by PGK/SK Mar Lopez, who said in part- “.. In a very special way, we thank You again tonight, Almighty Father, that as we pledged our undying love for each other before Thy Holy altar, several lovely summers ago, You sent Your Holy Spirit, to inspire us – to draw strength from each other’s weakness, to readily forgive each other’s faults and failures, thus, allowed us all these years, to keep a love that had always been kind, faithful and true..”
“Indeed, it was a great evening of buffet dining, dancing and lots of laughing, as they set aside their “weakening joints and aching backs” to join the hilarious “candle dance” contest, and tried to smartly outdo each other in blowing out each other’s lighted candles. Then again, they jumped into the dance floor to show their hidden gracefulness in doing the “Boogie”, the “Cha-cha” and the “Twist” of yesteryears that readily earned them cash prizes from PGKs Boy Salanatin, Edgar Rico, Ven Napoles, Mar Lopez and Bading Angala, who gave an inspirational talk emphasizing the value of trust, respect and taking good care of each other, never forgetting our unconditional love, which we vowed to share, – “till death do us part”..and to place God in the center of our lives, for a lasting happy marriage…”
Photos show council officers in attendance, namely, SKs Julius Grant, Roger Bague, Jake Cambel, Vic Tan, and Ladies of the Knights – Tessie Gomez, Thelma Lopez, Linda Tan and Estrella Napoles, who obviously, was the night’s “Dancing Queen”. And of course, this year-2020’s lucky “Valentine’s Day couples”, showing the “once-upon-macho-lovers” offering a lovely rose to their smiling “still-blooming-sweethearts” and sealing it with a “tender kiss”, like the “sweet-lovebirds” they once were, hence, was given a big applause by everyone. Truly, it was another “Knights-in-Action” enchanted evening for all!!!”