It was a memorable evening for the kids from the House of Hope, giving each guest a long-stemmed red rose as an expression of thanksgiving and hope during the Annual Joint Fund Raising Dinner with El Bonita Events and its partners. Dinner for a cause carried the theme “Every Kid Matters”.
Fatima Inderah “Faith” D. Disomimba said “This is one occasion where we gather together as one to give our support in fighting pediatric cancer. We are grateful for your generosity to our journey towards hope and a cancer-free society”

A program was prepared in appreciation for the assistance, contributions of advocates, benefactors, sponsors, guests and the children of House of Hope Foundation for Kids with Cancer.
Dr. Mae Concepcion Dolendo, founding member of the House of Hope Foundation, made a landmark announcement that the Philippines has been chosen by the World Health Organization as Focus by WHO Pediatric Oncology.

HoHF is a charity organization created to support children with cancer. Its major beneficiary is Southern Philippines Medical Center in Davao City, the largest public tertiary hospital and end referral center for Mindanao. It also caters to shared care facilities located in Davao Regional Medical Center in Tagum City; Northern Mindanao Medical Center in Cagayan de Oro City; the LGU hospital at Butuan City Medical Center in Agusan del Norte; and two private facilities at St. Elizabeth Hospital in General Santos City and LaVina General Hospital, Inc. in Valencia City, Bukidnon.

HoHF started as Davao Children’s Cancer Fund, Inc. (DCCFI) and was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on May 3, 2004 (CN20048204). It became a Foundation (SEC Reg. No. CN20042804) on April 21, 2016, and was named after House of Hope, a transient home for kids with cancer, a project with Rotary Club of WalingWaling Davao. The Department of Social Welfare and Development accredited

HoHF on December 9, 2014. (DSWD-FO XI RI-00017-2014) as a social welfare and development agency implementing center-based programs and services for indigent children cancer.
The fund-raising event was headed by Arleen Aportadera, Treasurer of the foundation.