Residents of Davao City probably remember a prominent lumber company along MacArthur Highway named Bayanihan Lumber. This was a familiar sight for those who commute from downtown Davao City to Matina going up to Davao Golf Club or GSIS Village as it was one of the offices which occupied the area, which was not as crowded as it is now.

But it was a surprise for us to see what was behind this former business establishment. It was the new residence of Terry and Rod Bernardo, an impressive white house, spacious and modern, tastefully decorated and looking comfortable for guests to sit around.

The blessing was attended by the children, Richard and wife Linda, Annabelle and Edward. Guests from the Ageless Society of Ladislawa Village were around, led by Dr. Aurora Chio and the Aguman keng Kapampangan group.

The Cenacle group also came to witness the blessing led by Charito A. Lizada, Charo Moran, Mitos Lorenzo, Helen Dakudao, Fortune Castillo with daughter, Mimi, Marita C. Maniquis and Daly Soriano.