As PICPA Davao celebrated Accountancy Week, it focused on this year’s theme “Leap and Beat the Odds.”
During the week-long celebration from July 13 to 18, the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA), Davao Chapter celebrated Accountancy Week with activities that create public awareness about the role and relevance of the Accountancy profession in society.
These included courtesy calls to government offices led by PICPA Davao Chapter President Atty. Roland C. Pondoc.
Visited were the Davao City Mayor’s Office through the City Administrator, City Accountant, Bureau of Internal Revenue, Securities and Exchange Commission, Commission on Audit, Professional Regulation Commission and the Cooperative Development Authority.
Through the observance of Accountancy week, the Accountants also aimed to renew their commitment to the communities they serve. At the PICPA Davao House, a two-day Comprehensive Seminar for Tax Agents and Practitioners (TAP) was conducted by representatives from the BIR Regional Office.
This was also an opportune time for strengthening cordial relationships among accountants. The day’s events kicked off with a mass, recognition of past presidents, sports activities such as bowling and badminton.
The week-long celebration culminated with a fellowship night at the Velvet Club, Oroderm City along C. M. Recto Street.