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Rough Cuts: Are you covered by His tent?

Today is Sunday, the 12th of May 2019. It is the 2nd Sunday of the month and is the 4th Sunday of Easter.

This day’s Psalm is, “We are his people, the sheep of his flock.”

The 1st Reading of the day is from Acts 13:14, 43-52. It says:

While they went on from Perga and came to Antioch in Pisidia, on the Sabbath day they entered the synagogue and sat down.

After that, when the assembly broke up, many Jews and devout God-fearing people followed them, and to these, they spoke, urging them to hold fast to the grace of God.

The following Sabbath almost the entire city gathered to listen to Paul, who spoke a fairly long time about the Lord. But the presence of such a crowd made the Jews jealous. So they began to oppose, with insults, whatever Paul said.

Then Paul and Barnabas spoke out firmly, saying, “It was necessary, that God’s word be first proclaimed to you, but since you now reject it, and judge yourselves to be unworthy of eternal life, we turn to non-Jewish people. For thus we were commanded by the Lord: I have set you as a light to the pagan nations, so that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.”

Those who were not Jews rejoiced, when they heard this, and praised the message of the Lord; and all those, destined for everlasting life, believed in it. Thus the word spread, throughout the whole region.

Some of the Jews, however, incited God-fearing women of the upper class, and the leading men of the city, as well, and stirred up an intense persecution against Paul and Barnabas. Finally, they had them expelled from their region. The apostles shook the dust from their feet, in protest against this people, and went to Iconium, leaving the disciples filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.

The 2nd Reading this Sunday is from Revelation 7:9, 14b-17.

After this, I saw a great crowd, impossible to count, from every nation, race, people and tongue, standing before the throne, and the Lamb, clothed in white, with palm branches in their hands.

The elder replied, “They, are those who have come out of the great persecution; they have washed, and made their clothes white, in the blood of the Lamb.

This is why they stand before the throne of God, and serve him, day and night, in his Sanctuary. He, who sits on the throne, will spread his tent over them.

Never again, will they suffer hunger or thirst, or be burned by the sun, or any scorching wind.

For the Lamb, near the throne, will be their Shepherd, and he will bring them to springs of life-giving water, and God will wipe away their tears.”

Today’s Gospel is from John 10:27-30. It says:

“My sheep hear my voice and I know them; they follow me and I give them eternal life. They shall never perish, and no one will ever steal them from me. What my Father has given me, is greater than all things else. To snatch it out of the Father’s hand, no one is able! I and the Father are one.”

READ: Jesus appropriates us as his sheep. He knows everyone of us. He gives us eternal life. And there will be no end in our friendship with him. No one will be able to lead us astray, since Jesus owns us.

REFLECT: You are lucky to be considered God’s sheep. You belong to his fold. Jesus has a strong band of friendship with you. He likes you. How come that many times you still go astray? Sin is an indication that you are not completely God’s own. It is a refusal to belong to him. You are giving a part of you to something that is evil.

NB: Our heartfelt thanks to the Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc., publisher of the book Bible Diary 2019 from where we source the word of God that we are sharing with our readers every Sunday.


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