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Relieved DCPO officers already reported to RPHAS: DCPO

THE 35 Davao City Police Office officers and personnel placed on administrative leave already reported to the Regional Personnel Holding and Accounting Section at Camp Catitipan in Buhangin.

In an interview on Monday, May 27, PRO XI spokesperson Major Catherine Dela Rey said the personnel holding section serves as a temporary assignment for the involved police officers. Those assigned to that office usually had administrative cases or were on schooling.

 “Like sa ila nga 35 gina pa report lang sila for accounting depende lang kung naa ipatrabaho saila ang office,” Dela Rey said.

On Sunday, the Police Regional Office (PRO) XI clarified the recent relief of 35 Davao City police personnel stemmed from a recommendation by the Regional Internal Affairs Service (RIAS) XI for administrative relief.

Police Brigadier General Aligre Martinez, PRO XI director, assured the public that the decision was made “with thorough deliberation” and aims to ensure a fair investigation.

“The recent relief of the 35 Davao City Police Office personnel was based on the recommendation of the Regional Internal Affairs Service XI (RIAS XI) to place the personnel under administrative relief,” Martinez said.

“This is in accordance with procedural due process to guarantee transparency and accountability,” he said.

Martinez said, “Such action was not taken lightly, but with thorough deliberation and with profound consideration of all facts and surrounding circumstances of RIAS 11 investigation with the end view of ascertaining the truth.” 

He said the relieved personnel will remain under investigation. If cleared of wrongdoing, they may be reinstated to their previous positions.

“The PRO XI and PNP Internal Affairs Service through their regional office assure the public that the conduct of the investigation shall be done justly and fairly,” he added.

“Upon conclusion of the investigation and the finding of non-culpability, this PRO may among others, reinstate them to their previous designations,” he further said 

PRO XI remains committed to upholding the law with integrity and transparency. They also stressed their partnership with the Davao City local government to maintain peace and order in the community.

The regional police director said, “This PRO remains committed to upholding the law with integrity, accountability, and transparency in accordance with the existing laws, policies, and guidelines.” 

“We also acknowledge the support of the local government of Davao City to this PRO and we will maintain this strong partnership for a lasting peace and order and public safety in the community,” he added.



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