The Philippine Women’s College kicked off its 70th anniversary with the Madayaw, PhilWomenians! art exhibit last Monday, February 20, at the college’s RSM Exhibit Center.

The art exhibit, which coincides with the celebration of the National Arts Month, is participated by the educative community of PWC inclduign its alumni, students, teachers, parents and employees.
PWC alumni, including City Mayor Sebastian Duterte, Councilor Al Ryan Alejandre and DOT XI Regional Director Tanya R. Tan joined PWC’s Brenda Barba, Bebot Marfori and Lizabeth Robillo-Lu during the art exhbit’s opening.
Philippine Women’s College (now Philippine Women’s University) was founded in 1919 in Manila by visionary couple, statesman Dean Conrado Benitez and educator Francisca Tirona Benitez.
Over the decades, their vision of women’s education transcended the boundaries of the capital city of Manila and reached the far south of the archipelago.

Mindanawon PWC alumni later saw the need to spread and promote the educational objectives of their alma mater to the young people of Mindanao. This became a reality when the PWU Board of Trustees approved the plan to establish the Philippine Women’s College of Davao, which eventually opened its doors to Dabawenyo students in 1953.
Through the years, PWC has become an incubator of leaders in politics, business, philanthropy, arts, and culture.
The Madayaw, PhilWomenians! art exhibit is open to the public until February 27.