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PEC to hold Open Classroom Program, intensifies conservation campaign among the youth

THE PHILIPPINE Eagle Center (PEC) intensifies its conservation education campaign through the Open Classroom Program, engaging the kids as future conservationists for the environment and the Philippine eagle.

Tristan Montemor, PEC marketing coordinator, said the Open Classroom Program is also part of what they offer during school field trips. 

Montemor said engaging the kids with conservation activities will influence and inspire them to protect and conserve the environment.

“We want to engage the kids as early as now because they are impressionable, they easily get inspired by simple things. If you inspire them at a young age, and you disconnect from the influence of the internet and you let them immerse with nature, anything they can touch, feel, see, and hear, they’ll get inspired to protect these things,” Montemor said.

The program, which consists of modules and topics especially created to meet the requirements and interests of preschool, kindergarten, and elementary children, contains games and entertaining activities where kids will participate in learning.

He said PEC is raising future conservationists through the program. 

“That’s the value that we want to instill that at a young age, they recognize the PH eagle, and it struggles due to shooting, reforestation, and such. In the future, we’re hoping that these kids will become the policymakers, and advocate for these species,” he added. 

He also said kids will be able to collaborate and meet other children from the indigenous peoples (IP) community to learn about their culture and tradition. 

In line with the 39th Kadayawan Festival in Davao City, the Open Classroom Program will be conducted in the Philippine Eagle Center, Malagos Baguio District for the whole month of August. 

At a registration fee of P600, the program also includes tours and other fun activities inside the center.

Along with the registration, an IP child is sponsored to participate in an Open Classroom Program at PEC.


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