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Online push effective — CHO sees rise in NSV “acceptors”

The City Health Office’s Population Division, which has been implementing the no-scalpel vasectomy, has projected an increase in the number of men availing of the no-scalpel vasectomy procedure based on average number of “acceptors’ of the procedure observed in the first half of the year.

CHO Population Division Acting Chief Jerrielyn Lewis, during the I-Speak media forum at the City Hall Conference Room, said that the office may break last year’s record of 74 no-scalpel vasectomy acceptors based on the latest average data.

“Naa nata sa 45 as of June and most likely ma-predict namo nga since naga-average nami ug 11 per month, mudoble pa gyud ni siya hopefully (We are already at 45 as of June so most likely we can predict that since we now have an average of 11 per month the number will double, hopefully),” she said.

Lewis said that they also observed an increase in online inquiry about the procedure.“Na popularize pud siya through digital platforms and naa mi acceptors nga without us knowing naay uban influencer (It was popularized through digital platforms and we have had acceptors that without us knowing, are influencers),” she said.

Lewis said that hopefully, through an intensified online campaign, more acceptors of NSV will come to their office.

As information dissemination is the main driver for the program, they also conduct district activities where they provide counseling and information drive on this programLewis said that the average age of NSV clients is 28-32 years old.

But since the prerequisite before the procedure is informed choice, even younger men were catered to as they were willing to undergo the procedure.

She added that they wanted men to really participate in family planning, especially since vasectomy is a much simpler procedure compared to ligation in women that requires surgery below six layers of skin.

According to her, NSV in Davao City is free and its equivalent amount if done in  private facilities range between $2,000- $3,000 dollars.

Doctors who are performing  this procedure are specially trained.

After the NSV procedure, medicine, and food are also given to the clients.Lewis said that contrary to unverified perceptions about NSV, it does not affect sexual performance.

“Performance, interest, capacity in terms of sexual activity wala gyud siya’y epekto. Ang pinaka-side effect niya dili naka kapabuntis (The performance, interest, capacity in terms of sexual activity, it will not have an effect. The main side effect is you will lose the capacity to impregnate),” she said.

Lewis also added that sexual performance is influenced by the brain, by the muscle and the rush of blood and these are not affected by NSV, as what NSV affects is only the pathway of the sperm.

“Mura siyag kalsada nga ang pinaka function ni vasectomy is iyahang putlon ang kalsada ug ibulag niya kung atoa na siyang ikumpara ang whole mapa wala nausab naa ang lugar ang atoang giputol ang tulay kung asa muagi si semilya. (It can be likened to a road, the main function of vasectomy is that it will cut the road and separate it. You can compare it to the whole map of the place and the place where it cuts does not change, only the bridge where the sperm goes through is cut),” she said.


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