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Lawyers wanted

  • Over 100 Davao cops face raps amid blotter manipulation controversy


MORE THAN 100 Davao police officers are facing administrative charges due to the manipulation of police blotter records, a practice that allegedly artificially lowered crime statistics in the city. 

As a result, Mayor Sebastian Duterte has called upon lawyers to step up and defend the officers while strongly criticizing regional director Brig Gen Nicolas Torre III for his handling of the situation.

“You should ask the RD (regional director) who’s trying to act smart. He’s the one who did this, and (Camp) Crame is denying they gave the order,” Duterte stated. 

He alluded to a manipulated “blue blotter” (police report) and questioned the need for such tactics in Davao City’s history.

During the Basta Dabawenyo Program on Sunday, Aug. 4, the mayor questioned the motives behind the manipulation, stating, “I don’t understand them, the entire administration…they haven’t provided a clear explanation or justification of what they are doing to the city right now.” 

Kung kana man ang ginabuhat sa pulis ambot lagi wala ko kasabot anang Torre (If that’s what they are doing to the police, I really don’t understand that Torre),” the mayor said.

He encouraged lawyers to step forward and assist the officers facing charges, emphasizing the importance of their support.

“If you’re a lawyer and want to help our city and the police who serve us, please come forward,” the mayor urged. “We are grateful for your support.”

While acknowledging that the police force is not perfect, the mayor defended their dedication and service to the city. 

Duterte then praised the police force, emphasizing their dedication and service. He acknowledged that while not perfect, they are generally good and committed to the well-being of the city.

“I don’t understand them, the entire administration, I don’t understand their frame of mind because they haven’t provided a clear explanation or justification of what they are doing to the city right now,” he further said.

Manipulated blue blotter

Brig. Gen. Torre III revealed the extent of the manipulation, showing reporters two “blue blotter” books from the Calinan Police Station with numerous entries misclassified or marked as “for record only” to avoid being included in crime statistics. 

He asserted that this practice is “literally half-truth” and distorts the true crime situation in the city.

Torre initiated a “blotter validation” process after assuming office and uncovered the discrepancies.

The regional director added that the “blotter validation,” a regular mechanism employed by the Philippine National Police to verify reported cases, was conducted by subordinates that he brought to Davao with him from his previous deployment in Metro Manila to prevent any potential cover-up.

He stated that the manipulation hinders effective law enforcement as it prevents accurate assessment and response to crime trends.

The controversy has led to a mass relief of police station commanders and frequent changes in DCPO leadership. 

Mayor Duterte previously criticized the mass relief, stating that it undermines the hard work of police officials and jeopardizes the city’s peace and security.


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