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KOJC legal counsel claims reduced police deployment and potential misconduct day before Senate hearing 

THE LEGAL counsel for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ claimed that the Police Regional Office XI pulled out some of its personnel inside the compound a day before the scheduled senate hearing and ocular inspection of the property. 

“On the 13th day of the siege of the KOJC compound by the PNP, last night, police were smuggling in cement,”  Atty. Israelito Torreon said on Thursday, Sept. 5. “Today, they are cleaning up, especially around the KOJC Cathedral, and noticeable damage to glass panes is evident.”

“Moreover, it is striking that they have significantly reduced the number of police officers inside the compound,” he added.

Torreon noted that police are now concentrating their efforts at the entrances to the JMC basement, where tunneling operations are suspected, and at the KOJC Cathedral, designated as an advanced command post.

 “There are still officers at the hangar, in front of the Bible school, and in the lawns and gardens, but their numbers are much reduced,” he observed.

“At least now we see that they are afraid of being exposed by the Senate. It’s good to see they are still concerned about scrutiny,” Torreon further commented.

In a message on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 5, PRO XI spokesperson Major Catherine Dela Rey, said regional director Brig Gen Nicolas Torre III intends to answer all these claims during the senate hearing.

Around 7:44 p.m. on Sept. 4, 2024 (the 12th day of the KOJC siege), a police vehicle was parked in front of the KOJC compound carrying boxes that appeared to contain mineral water.

Torreon reported that a policeman attempted to sneak one of the boxes into the compound. 

However, KOJC members claimed the boxes contained two bags of cement, causing a near commotion. 

The police vehicle left the area immediately after the driver noticed the attention.

At around 12:49 p.m. on Sept. 4, 2024, Torreon stated, “There is no longer any pretense. They have a warrant of arrest, so they have the right to drill and excavate the church and school, even if it is private property, and to bring in large quantities of cement to cover it.”

As of 8:50 a.m. on September 4, 2024, police officers again attempted to sneak various items and materials into the KOJC compound without passing them through the scanner.

On Tuesday, Sept. 3, Torreon, along with members of the media, attempted to enter the Jose Maria College basement and the cathedral to inspect alleged digging activities but were barred by the police.


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