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Go responds to Trillanes’ rehashed accusations in Philippine Navy frigate case

Senator Bong Go (PNA)

SENATOR CHRISTOPHER Lawrence “Bong” Go dismissed former Senator Antonio Trillanes IV refiling a plunder case related to the Philippine Navy frigate acquisition project as a desperate attempt at political mudslinging.

“This is nothing new, just another rehashed accusation,” Go stated. “It’s clear he wants to paint us black to make himself look white. It’s the classic Trillanes tactic – another black propaganda. After all, it’s election season, and he needs to grab attention and make a profit.”

On July 5, Trillanes filed the second case against former president Rodrigo Duterte and Go, accusing them of plunder in connection with P6.6 billion worth of questionable infrastructure projects allegedly awarded to Go’s family members.

This time, the lawsuit includes several former officials of the Department of National Defense over the allegedly anomalous P16 billion frigate acquisition project.

Go emphasized that the Senate, under the leadership of then-Senator Gregorio Honasan, investigated the issue and found no irregularities. 

Former Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana also confirmed in a Senate hearing that Go had no involvement in the Frigate Acquisition Project.

“Even Vice Admiral Ronald Joseph Mercado, the former Navy Flag Officer-in-Command, stated in the same Senate hearing that I never approached him about the FAP or tried to influence his decision as the end-user,” Go added.

The senator also highlighted the statement of Rear Admiral Robert Empedrad, the Chairperson of the Frigate Project 

Management Team, which confirmed that there were no anomalies, problems, or interventions in the project.

“This issue has been rehashed and recycled for obvious political purposes,” Go concluded. 

“This is a clear case of destructive politics and a sure sign of desperation to malign me and the former President. Nevertheless, I welcome these moves to finally put an end to these lies,” he said.

” The people know who is truly working and who is just a lazy attack dog! If there’s anyone who should be investigated, weren’t your parents who had a business with the government and supplied the military? Let the people judge,” he further stressed.


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