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Former President Duterte clarifies Hakbang ng Maisug’s purpose

FORMER President Rodrigo Duterte has clarified that the primary objective of the Hakbang ng Maisug prayer rallies is to express the people’s grievances and not to overthrow the government.

Duterte made the statement through a recorded message during the Maisug Prayer Rally in Angeles, Pampanga, last Monday.

The former president explained that he has no ill will towards the current administration but has concerns he wants to raise, hoping they will be heard.

He also expressed his hope that the voices of the people will be heard from now on so that the government will be aware of the public’s sentiments.

On the other hand, he apologized to the people for his inability to attend the rally due to lack of funds. “I am retired, my money I just keep. I am in retirement, that is my source of sustenance,” he said.

“Sorry, I could not go. But would like to congratulate you for your gesture to show to the country and to the world that we have grievances,” he added.

It can be recalled that the issue of an alleged plot by the former president to overthrow the government through prayer rallies held in different parts of the country has become a national concern.


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