PERSONS who are exposed to those who were direct contacts of COVID-19 positive individuals, or F2, would receive text messages from the Safe Davao Quick Response (DQR) code system, the city government said.
F2 are those identified as who were in contact with individuals who were exposed to positive cases and were identified through contact tracing.
Upon receipt of the message, they must immediately report to the Sta. Ana Health Center so a reverse transcription-polymerase reaction test could be conducted between fifth and 14th day after they were identified.
After undergoing the tests, they should follow the order from the city and must also ensure that they do not go near other people to ensure that even if they turn out to be positive of the virus, they would not infect the others.
Those who experience cough, colds and other symptoms must report to their district health or barangay health centers. Those without symptoms must monitor themselves for symptoms because sometimes these indicators would come out later.
The city government released the information to prevent the rise in the number of cases in the city.