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Davao City fire incidents rose in 2024, driven by grass fires 

THE BUREAU of Fire Protection XI reported a significant increase in fire incidents in Davao City compared to the same period last year. 

As of June 18, 2024, there have been a total of 481 fire incidents, a 37% increase compared to 2023.

However, BFP XI spokesperson Fire Senior Inspector Frances Mae Sendrijas emphasizes that a large portion of this increase is due to non-structural fires, primarily grass fires and rubbish fires, which occurred between January and April. 

Fire Senior Inspector Frances Mae Sendrijas

Sendrijas said these incidents contribute to the overall fire count but typically result in minimal damage.

“The significant rise in fire incidents can be attributed to the grass fires we experienced earlier this year,” a BFP XI representative explained. “While these non-structural fires are included in the total count, they don’t significantly impact the overall damage cost,” she told reporters in the Davao Peace and Security press corps briefing held at The Royal Mandaya Hotel on Wednesday, June 19.

Despite the rise in fire incidents, structural fires, which typically cause significant damage, haven’t seen a substantial increase, she added.

Moreover, the BFP XI reported a total damage cost of P259,996,100 as of June 18, 2024, reflecting a 37% increase compared to last year. However, this rise can be partially attributed to the overall increase in fire incidents, including non-structural fires.

For a more accurate picture of structural fire damage, BFP XI provided a breakdown as of June 18, 2024, there are 139 incidents for residential fires, 43 in Non-residential fires, and 277 for Non-structural fires (grass fires, rubbish fires, vehicle fires).

In comparison, Davao City recorded only 49 fire incidents in June 2023, with 21 residential fires, 5 non-residential fires, and 17 non-structural fires.



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